Regression Session
The concept of reincarnation (the transmigration of souls - Samsara) explains the soul's transfer after the physical body's death and the start of another life. Not everybody believes in this. Often during an individual session, we discover that the root cause of a problem is linked to a previous life.
During a regression, your body and emotions will reveal the truth of what happened in your previous life.
It has become apparent in my practice that behaviours are transferred from past lives and linked to whom you have been in them. Those karmic anchors program certain behaviours within us.
I describe this in the first chapter of my book LINK
This concept has been known for years all across the world.
Currently, the information we have about previous lives is associated with concepts found in the Akasha records (Akasha in Sanskrit means: aether, sky, or atmosphere), defined as a space where there are records of thoughts, events, and emotions of living beings (also called cosmic memory ).
The anthroposophical philosopher Rudolf Steiner and the sleeping prophet Edgar Cayce were the most famous readers of these records.
I use cosmic memory purely to find the cause of the disorder in the energetic field.

The memory of our souls often recalls ancient civilizations.
It is the view of the pyramids and the sphinx in Egypt.
The ancestors worshipped the energy of the elements.
The Celtic stone circle in Ireland.
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